Repeat Prescriptions

When phoning for Repeat Prescriptions please select Option 5 - This is a voicemail service and is available from 8.30am Monday until 6pm Friday. (our surgery is closed on Mondays - Friday 12.30 - 1.30pm and our phone lines are closed Monday - Friday 12.30- 1.30pm)
You can request your prescription any of the following ways: -
- Use the tear off list that comes with your prescription – tick what you require and place it in the box at reception.
- Phone the practice during opening hours and select option "5"
- You can now order you prescriptions online. To register for this service please complete the registration form at our reception
Your prescription will be ready for collection in 3 working days if collecting from the practice or 5 working days if collecting from your chosen pharmacy.
- We are happy to post out your prescription if you supply us with a stamped addressed envelope or
- You can arrange for a pharmacy of your choice to pick up your prescription, please allow more time for these options.